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The Journey So Far

Bec Massey

How I Got Here

Hey Threadsters and welcome to my teeny tiny snippet of the internet.

The idea for Thready Set Go came to me towards the end of 2017. I was having trouble finding work in my area and have had a long love affair with making quirky fabulous things (see last post).

I had a big moment of reminding myself that I have the power to create my own reality, including employment.

The last few years have been personally challenging and somewhere along the line I forgot how capable I actually am. I began to get excited about the possibilities.

Where To Go From There?

I started looking into my options and discovered a NEIS program running in my local area. NEIS is a program in Australia allowing people with a business idea to go through business training, create a business plan and access business mentoring.

I wrote a business proposal that was accepted and started a hectic six-week crash course in running a business and created a business plan for Thready Set Go.

It allowed me to really get my head in the business game….now all I have to do is everything I said I would do in the plan……eeek.

How DO You Eat An Elephant?

I began to get stressed out about all the things I needed to do. Register the business name, get insurance, attend markets, make the stock, source materials, design business cards, design fabric tags, photograph all the stock, make the Etsy store, how much to spend on promotion? Do I need a banner? Do I need a website and Facebook and Instagram and a blog, don’t forget to buy a printer… you get the idea.

I finally remembered hearing that famous quote: How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.

I had been thinking that I couldn’t start markets or online selling until everything was just so. The quote reminded me that everything does not have to happen at once. Building a business takes time and I am looking forward to looking back in six months or a year and being proud of what I’ve achieved.

What’s The Next Step For Thready Set Go?

Well, next steps include sewing up a heap of stock and practising photography skills to set up the Etsy store. Markets have started and I’ll be talking about those in the next blog post.

I have moved house and set up the sewing studio so there’ll be a workroom tour coming up.

I have also signed up for a number of free small business courses being run in my area so I’ll be attending them and learning some new skills which is great. I plan to start approaching some key retailers who may be interested in selling some of Thready Set Go’s stock.

If you are interested in learning more about what Thready Set Go is making, head over to Facebook or Instagram … or email me:

I am in the process of setting up an online shop. Phew. So much to learn..

* the book featured is Handmade Marketplace by Kari Chapin and click here for a link to purchase the second edition of her ebook.

Until next time –

May your bobbin always be full,

♥ bec


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